Are you one of the lucky ones who has won a lot at one of our auctions? Then you can come and collect the good(s) you've won at the location, date & timing mentioned in the description of the lot.
But what if you're not available at that specific moment? Then Vavato offers you a couple of alternatives:
The pick-up is organised at another location?
Then these goods can only be collected on site on the agreed day.
Are you not available to come and pick up the goods yourself? No problem!
- Somebody else (a friend or family member) can come and pick it up for you.
- You can order a transporter to come and pick up the goods. You may reach out to them by mail via "" or "".
Important to know: please make sure that you or the person who comes and collect the goods for you, can present the following documents:
- A copy of your ID card, so we are sure the goods go to the rightful owner.
- A copy of the invoice, as proof of payment.
The pick-up address of the goods is at our VAVATO warehouse at Waaslandlaan 14, Lokeren?
Every Friday Vavato organizes a late release from 9 am to 11 am. This service is free for the first week. From the second week onwards storage costs apply: 30 euros (incl. VAT) for small items, 90 euros (incl. VAT) for a larger lot. The prices apply per week of extra storage.
In the event that the storage costs exceed the price paid by the Bidder for the item(s), the Bidder shall relinquish said item(s) to Vavato. In said event, Vavato shall have the right to auction the item(s) to cover the storage costs, without the User concerned having any recourse.
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